I am usually not one for making New Year resolutions, mostly because I break them early on, but I am making one right now for 2010. That resolution is to blog more frequently. I just hope this resolution isn't going to follow the path of all the other resolutions I have made in the past!
Another holiday has come and gone, and my how fast they do come and go. Thanksgiving Day has always been special to me and as I get older it becomes more special. I am sorry that Thanksgiving isn't given more attention, it just seems to be skimmed over in some ways-at least commercially. I feel that Halloween is given more attention than Thanksgiving and that makes me sad. I am thankful for so many things, my family, my friends, my health and the health of those I love, our farm,and for our Military, past and present, that protect us each and every day. I am thankful for the life that God has given me. What are you most thankful for?
Now I look to the Christmas season, with all it's wonder. Come Christmas Eve, I will as I have in years past, take a break from whatever I am into at the moment, and just quietly think about what Christmas means to me. In the quiet of the night,my thoughts will turn to an evening spent in Nazareth by the holiest of families. I hope everyone will take the time to meditate quietly on the miracle at Nazareth.
Now a bit of farm news: We are in our last week of CSA until the New Year! It seems like we just started! The crops have done well, but our Lettuce has been disappointing. What we have is pretty, but immature. Unfortunately the three weeks of rain that we had a few weeks ago, delayed our planting and that set us back for that crop. Everything else has done pretty good considering the weather was so wet for so long. As a matter of fact, it's raining here again, right now!
If you haven't done so, become a Fan of the farm on Facebook! It's easy, really, and you may find many of your friends on Facebook, even some you have lost contact with! Until next time..Blessings,