We're beginning to sow seed into trays getting ready to have lots and lots of transplants! While sowing the seeds, some so tiny the naked eye can hardly see them, it never ceases to amaze me what develops into something so wonderful in such a short time. That is one of the things I think I like most about growing food. After all your hard work of looking after them from the seedling stage to the transplant stage and on to their harvest, they challenge you, and you have high expectations for them! Kind of like child rearing in a way.
We will be putting up the new Haygrove tunnel very soon, and before you know it the high tunnels will be brimming with plants again.
Tonight we are enjoying the last of the Butternut squash that I have "hoarded" for winter use, along with a few carrots, and some of those great sweet potatoes and turnips. I will just simply roast them all together in a 425 degree oven, (after cutting them into small chunks). With a quick toss in a bowl to which you have added about 2-3 Tablespoons of Olive Oil, Cracked Pepper and Kosher salt, in they go on a foil lined baking sheet until they are fork tender! So sweet, so delicious and so good for you. If you have any left from CSA..give them a try!
Hope you have enjoyed this wonderful Sunday that God has blessed us with today!
Your Farmers,
John & Judy
Posted by Judy McGary at 11:45 AM 0 comments 
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