Friday, April 3, 2009

Farm News

Planting season is in full force around here these days. Plus, we sow seeds almost daily to go into the beds in a few short weeks. Wednesday found us planting about 2,000 transplants, mostly broccoli, red choi, cabbage and Swiss chard. The fields are muddy today, so we will stay out of them until they are dry enough for us to work in them again.

For those following the antics of our bantam rooster and hen, the hen is still setting on her nest of 10 eggs. Nothing's happened there yet, but it should any day now. As a general rule all the eggs don't hatch, but we should have some tiny banthams before long. The mother hen is very pretty, light brown and gray with a little tuft of black on her head that resembles a cute!

We have some beautiful lettuces and other salad greens coming on that look wonderful! I can hardly wait for some crunchy, fresh delicious lettuce! In the winter we don't purchase lettuce or tomatoes out of season (frankly we don't purchase much that's not in season anyway), as they don't have any flavor, and flavor is what it's all about! We actually had a customer say to us when we were at the Franklin Farmer's Market in Franklin Tennesse, "wow, I never knew that lettuce had a taste to it". That was a real compliment for our lettuces!

I spoke too quickly about our soon to be new bantham hens. John just came in and had checked their nest--something had eaten all the eggs, most likely a possum or skunk! Sad, but the little hen is lucky she escaped the nest raiders grip. She is fine, but no baby banthams this time around. Had it been a racoon that had gotten the eggs, most likely it would have gotten our hen too!

The weekend is here and we wish you a good one, hopefully with some nice weather for you to get out and enjoy!

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